Monday, June 4, 2012

Reflection of the Year

The school year is coming to an end, and with it, so is my first experience of Creative Arts class! The memories and lessons I have from art are so wonderful! Art was a time to be with friends and to laugh and have fun, but it was also a time to express yourself and test your abilities! I really have learned so much from Creative Arts Class, in fact, I have a list of things I never thought I would be able to accomplish, but I did: paint a huge self portrait, draw a somewhat realistic apple, saw metal, SOLDER metal (ah fire!), create things with clay and sew together a book! I am still somewhat in shock of the fact that I sewed a book! Art was sort of a sanctury hidden away from the boring odinary school day! It was so cool to be in a class filled with so many talented, people, and to see how differently everyone's projects turned out, even when they were about the same thing! A few weeks ago, Mrs. Kiick was telling the class about how she stood up in front of the Board of Education to tell them why we needed better art classes. She read us her speech, and firstly, it was an amazing and well thought out speech that would have taken me WEEKS to come up with, and secondly, she was talking about 10 Lessons the Arts Teach, and one of them was "The arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution, and that questions can have more than one answer." I really like this quote, because in most cases, I think kids in highschool believe there is only one way to do things, and if you do things differently, you are wrong and considered strange. But art teaches you that its okay and even good to do things differently! If we all solved problems the same way, we would all be the same, and that would be boring! This is probably one of the most important things I've learned all year, in any class, and I can't wait for art and Mrs. Kiick to teach me more next year!


Please get ready for a lesson of awesome, because this post is about my inspiration, Taylor Swif. To me, Taylor isn't just a music artist, she's a way of life. In my house, Taylor Swift is a household name. When you walk into my room, you are bombarded by pictures and posters of Taylor. Taylor Swift is the reason I play guitar, the reason I wear cowboy boots to school, and the reason I spend two hours curling my hair when I go to fancy events. Taylor has helped me so much, which is a lot to say about someone I've never met. When ever I feel angry or depressed, I just listen to Taylor and pour my heart into my hairbrush microphone, pretending I'm singing on stage with her. Taylor taught me its okay to be different and weird, and to not hide who I really am. She taught me to overcome fears, and to stand up for what I believe in. If Taylor Swift had never been in my life, I can't even begin to imagine how different I would be. For these reasons, I chose Taylor as the person to make a place setting for. I feel like I could never properly represent Taylor, someone who's had such a big impact on my life, with my beginner's knowledge of clay. I did all I could though! I made a guitar for my bowl, and painted the rim blue, yellow and red (the colors on her junior jewels shirt) and attempted to paint the rest of the bowl a dark purple, like the color of her perfume Wonderstruck. For the cup, I made the chalice (which I have talked about in a previous post). I painted the outside to be a castle wall-like color, and the inside red and blue: Montague and Capulet colors for Romeo and Juliet. For the plate, I carved Fifteen into the clay, and then painted Speak Now over it (they are both titles of songs by Taylor.) I did this because I'm fifteen, and I think it's a good time to learn how to 'Speak Now'. I am so happy to know that I am now in the possesion of a Taylor Swift place setting, and I am looking forward to eating cookies off of it! (Taylor loves to bake cookies!)